Your Super LifeΒ Blog

The Essenes - Thoughts December 2023

acim aramaic authenticity essenes teachings of yeshua
Essenes Life
Hello dear friends - in this season called 'Christmas' or Solstice or...whatever it is for you, which has different meanings for different folks - I have been feeling the flow of my being through history - and reflecting on the ancient Ancient Essenes - who followed the Master called Yeshua  2,000 years ago - living simple lives in natural harmony, to express LOVE and Divine Presence in their Being.
His teaching in the Aramaic (a vibrational language) was that anything we saw around us that was not of  Love actually came from within us (quantum reality), and True Forgiveness was to remove that which was within us from our Generations - causing us to see the 'non reality' less than LOVE. You can learn more about this in my 21st Century Superhuman book series.
And as A Course in Miracles says, "Anything not of Love is not real." So this is the most advanced way we can process what comes up for us, clearing all blame, fear, judgment, hostility and control from our consciousness, while recognizing that anything that comes up is OURS - to be cleared, and center again in LOVE. Learn all about this in 21st Century Superhuman Book 2: MIND, and more at Dr. Michael Ryce's website where there is deep study of the Khabouris Manuscript, the Ancient Aramaic Vibrational language going on.  Whyagain.org.
So I encourage us to all take a deep Breath and Smile, center in the truth of LOVE within ourselves (as we cancel our 'old data') and see the world through New eyes.
I've been playing with Mid-Journey AI images - and thought it would be fun to share what it might have been like to be in an Essene encampment in the days of Yeshua. I was excited when I ran these images with good prompts as they came out much like I envision that life of the Essenes.
My path and my life continues to be about sharing high frequency principles to live by, as brought forth in the Quantum way of thought in my 21st Century Superhuman book series and Courses now coming out at my website.
As we get ready to roll over into the New Year - I pull myself from the rubble of the 'old out of harmony ways crumbling around us' to keep sharing how to live Your Super Life and embody the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
In my Online Biz Course I'll be teaching how Your Talents are your Wealth, and to use the AI to get your work done faster & still be yourself, and to make images like this, with other courses on how to live better in Body, Mind, Spirit and the use of many practical tools - all explored in Inner Circles of Our Super Life Community.
I heard the other day that Authenticity measures 4x as strong as LOVE in the human energy field.  Imagine that - when we are purely and clearly Authentically ourselves - we access the greatest possible energetic  expression of LOVE and Life!!! Wow! xxoo
I hope you'll join us!!! πŸ’œπŸ’«πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸŒŸπŸ§šπŸ€©πŸ˜€
Cary Kirastar & Team
Breathe, Smile & LOVE xxoo
PS We'd love to hear from you how you're doing and what you're up to!!! xxoo